Go to https://www.nysenate.gov/
This is the NY State Senate page. There you can put in you zip code and determine who your local senator is. You can also sign on to this page and set up an account. This makes it easy to log in and register your vote with your senator on bills that he is considering supporting.
Go to https://nyassembly.gov/
This is the NY State Assembly page. There you can put in you zip code and determine who your local assembly-person is. You can easily peruse the bills that are being considered in the NYS Assembly.
This is one of the oldest and most comprehensive sights about vaccine issues. Here you can:
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ Check out Robert F Kennedy Jr's site: The Children's Health Defense organization. RFK is a consummate truth-teller. He has tried for several years now to get the mainstream media and medical communities to hear about the damage that vaccines are causing to our youngest generation.
There are scientific facts and articles that will enlighten you. And probably enrage you. Y
To know that God wants us to:
You can influence the voting in many ways:
If you have questions about how to do any of these options, you can email us at info@faithandpharmacy.com to ask.
Often the fastest way to leave a message for your rep. is to email. Their email is posted on their gov't site for senators or assemblymen. Keep it short and sweet. State that you want them to vote either YES or NO on a specific bill using the bill #. You can state a short reason in the body of the email. Always be polite and courteous. Any rude contact will probably be disregarded.
A fax or mailed letter may have additional impact.